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Risk Factors of Malnutrition and Physical Inactivity - Article Example

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The writer of the current article intends to provide a critical response to a few pieces of a study conducted in order to investigate the effects of food consumption and physical exercise. Additionally, the article describes how to spread healthy lifestyle benefits awareness…
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Risk Factors of Malnutrition and Physical Inactivity
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Wright et al. (2003, pp. 17-33) describe that rural children do not need permission and consider broad principles of safety. This analysis of the articles enables individuals to increase their understanding of how children perceive movement and therefore there are suggestions for policies and changes in the environment to increase freedom of movement. They also show that a thin subsidy on ASBs and a fat tax in SSBs will have beneficial results on the reduction of obesity rates in children, therefore, increasing the cost of good decreases consumption and enables one to maximize utility (Andreyeva et al. 2010).I personally think that the above articles advocate the need for physical exercise, eating nutritious foods and the introduction of policies, for example, raising taxes on fatty foods and the introduction of healthy eating guidelines in South Australian schools as a way of curbing obesity.

The policies can be implemented by ensuring that there are good media campaigns and behavioral modification. Individuals should appreciate changes in lifestyle and have a positive attitude in achieving changes in healthy eating and healthy weight this generates confidence. I, therefore, think that as individuals we should concentrate on avoiding risk factors such as poor nutrition, unhealthy weight and physical inactivity (Drewnowski & Darmon 2005).

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