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Notes and Detailed Outline - Literature review Example

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The paper "Notes and Detailed Outline" is a great example of a Business literature review. Introduction – This will introduce the Literature Review and briefly explain the organization of the chapter.B. Review of the Saudi Business Environment – [i] In this section we will provide evidence for the assertions made in Section 1.2…
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Literature Review: Notes and Detailed Outline 1. Organization of the chapter: A. Introduction – This will introduce the Literature Review and briefly explain the organisation of the chapter. B. Review of the Saudi Business Environment – [i] In this section we will provide evidence for the assertions made in Section 1.2: “The Saudi economy has expanded significantly over the past several years, and this has been reflected by the growth in Saudi businesses;” and “an overall good business environment and the opportunities it presents has not been sufficient for all Saudi companies to prosper; a number of companies have actually performed more poorly than their environment suggests they should and have been forced to withdraw from the Saudi stock market.” [ii] The second part of the section will review literature that describes Saudi business culture, in order to identify key characteristics of organisational structure and interpersonal dynamics that are unique to Saudi culture and have an impact on firm performance. C. Review of Literature on Strategic Management – This section will review literature about strategic management in three parts: [i] Defining strategic management; [ii] Approaches to strategic management and their theoretical bases; [iii] Strategic management methodologies; differences and similarities among different kinds of enterprises; relationship of strategic management approaches to organisational culture and structure. D. Review of Literature on Strategic Management Tools – This section will discuss specific strategic management tools individually, with two main points to each description: [i] Definition/description of the tool; [ii] The relationship of the tool to theories and concepts of strategic management. E. Review of Literature on the Correlation of Tools to Management Outcomes – This section will review the studies that examine the correlation of the use of tools to firm performance, with a particular focus on how the effect of the use of tools is measured, and what unanswered questions are left by the studies. F. Conclusion/Chapter Summary – This section will summarise the chapter, and identify which of the theories and tools discussed are relevant to our study. 2. General Notes: A. As a general rule, the information in this Chapter takes precedence over the information in Chapter One, so it may be necessary to go back and make some revisions to the first chapter after this literature review is completed. B. Specifically, two things that might be changed in Chapter One are the particular strategic management tools that will be examined by way of the primary (survey) research, and the research questions. As far as the tools are concerned with respect to this literature review, no particular limitations on the number of tools will be followed, but will be guided by the literature itself. For example, a search for “strategic planning tools” and/or “strategic management tools” in the journal article database will automatically suggest a list of tools that have been well-studied, and from which we can select an appropriate number for this research. C. Theoretical background of this study: Since we are not testing a theory, the rule that a dissertation should only address one theory does not necessarily apply. However, it would not be good to attempt to use very many theories to justify this research – one would still be best. Consider that this study addresses its topic in the following manner: The “red” line is actually what this study is doing, while all the rest is necessary background. The theories we are looking for are ones that explain the “black” arrows. As it stands now, the research questions that have been designed do not seem as though they will have to be changed to address the theoretical background. But if that turns out not to be the case, then they can be altered as needed before the survey is designed. 3. A Beginning List of References Matched to Sections and Sub-Sections of this Chapter: The following are entries on the existing “Main Reference List”, categorised according to the part of the Literature Review to which they apply. This will help identify areas where more information is needed, and also help in properly categorising new resources that may be added. The numbers correspond to the descriptions in Part 1 above. NOTE: Some resources apply to more than one section. B[i] (Current State of the Saudi Business Environment) Arab News. (2011) “Exciting offers to lift Saudi telecom sector to new heights”. Arab News [online], 7 December 2011. Available from: “Saudi Arabia Addressing Jobs, Housing as Economy Rebounds”. (2011) IMF Survey Magazine, 21 September 2011. International Monetary Fund. Available from: Tadawul [Saudi Arabian Stock Exchange]. (2011) Website. Available from:!ut/p/c1/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3g_A-ewIE8TIwP3gDBTA08Tn2Cj4AAvY_dQA_3g1Dz9gmxHRQCHg5RU/. NOTE: This section will be fairly short, and will rely mostly on credible news and reports (such as that IMF analysis) rather than on scholarly works. B[ii] (Saudi Business Culture) Al Ghamdi, S.M. (2005) “The Use of Strategic Planning Tools and Techniques in Saudi Arabia: An empirical study”. International Journal of Management, 22(3): 376-395. Elbanna, S. (2008) “Planning and participation as determinants of strategic planning effectiveness: Evidence from the Arabic context”. Management Decision, 46(5): 779-796. C[i] (Defining Strategic Management) Barney, J.B. (2002) Gaining and Sustaining Competitive Advantage, 2nd Ed. Boston: Addison-Wesley. Gibbs, F. (2006) Service Management. UK: University of Strathclyde. 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